Society's Saviors

All adown the ages society has made the mistake of nailing its Saviors

to the cross between thieves.

That is to say, society has recognized in the Savior a very dangerous

quality--something about him akin to a thief, and his career has been

suddenly cut short.

We have telephones and trolly cars, yet we have not traveled far into

the realm of spirit, and our X-ray has given us no insight into

heart of things.

Society is so dull and dense, so lacking in spiritual vision, so dumb

and so beast-like that it does not know the difference between a thief

and the only Begotten Son. In a frantic effort to forget its hollowness

it takes to ping-pong, parchesi and progressive euchre, and seeks to

lose itself and find solace and consolation in tiddle-dy-winks.

We are told in glaring head-lines and accurate photographic

reproductions of a conference held by leaders in society to settle a

matter of grave import. Was it to build technical schools and provide a

means for practical and useful education? Was it a plan of building

modern tenement houses along scientific and sanitary lines? Was it

called to provide funds for scientific research of various kinds that

would add to human knowledge and prove a benefit to mankind? No, it was

none of these. This body met to determine whether the crook in a certain

bulldog's tail was natural or had been produced artificially.

Should the Savior come to-day and preach the same gospel that He taught

before, society would see that His experience was repeated. Now and then

it blinks stupidly and cries, "Away with Him!" or it stops its game long

enough to pass gall and vinegar on a spear to One it has thrust

beyond the pale.

For the woman who has loved much society has but one verdict: crucify

her! The best and the worst are hanged on one tree.

In the abandon of a great love there exists a godlike quality which

places a woman very close to the holy of holies, yet such a one, not

having complied with the edicts of society, is thrust unceremoniously

forth, and society, Pilate-like, washes its hands in innocency.

