"I Am Unselfish in Action, Being and Motive."
The science of psychology as applied to everyday life is, strictly
speaking, a new science. It is a matter of thousands of people in the
world all of a sudden coming in contact with certain laws, which make
them successful, healthy and prosperous.
It is quite natural, because man is interested more in himself than in
any one else, that, when he f
nds these laws may be applied to give him
more abundance, the tendency may be to use these laws for selfish
Nothing could be more unpsychological. The laws should be used for the
individual, but should not stop there. Each individual who is profiting
by the operation of the laws, or understanding of psychology, ought not
only to get everything himself that psychology can give him, but he
should pass these on to others; he should tell others about it; he
should cry it from the housetops and megaphone it from the street
corners. He should not want to get everything himself, but wish the
same that he has to everyone else. By doing this, the law will rebound,
and, instead of having less, he will have still more than he would have
were he thinking about the laws for himself alone.
The human race is made up of a whole lot of selfishness, and the man,
or the woman, who hopes to get the most out of life and out of
psychology, must learn at the very beginning of his or her
understanding of the laws. Then, only, will the best come to those who
are absolutely unselfish.
If there is any selfish motive or selfish desire in your heart, you may
operate the law and get a certain amount of benefit, nay, you may even
become rich by it and have great power, but it should not end there.
Your riches are for the use of others, as well as for yourselves, and
the real psychologist, in getting his riches, will pass on to others
that which he has. The real psychologist, in getting more power, will
share it with others and will use it for the good of others, as well as
for his own personal aggrandizement.
Therefore hold the thought: "I am unselfish in action, being and
Many a person never will get the demonstrations he wants, because the
channel of abundance and prosperity, happiness and joy, is clogged up
with his own selfish attitude. The selfish person who does operate the
laws, does so by overbalancing his selfishness with some other great
virtue. But when he is extremely selfish, he may never have
demonstrations as he wants; he may not have enough other virtues to
outweigh his selfishness. He may live for years, and know what the laws
are, and yet lack this one little thing, _unselfishness_, in operating
the laws for his own abundance, prosperity or happiness.
If you are not having the demonstrations you want, it is because there
is a kink in the mind somewhere. The kink may be selfishness, or it may
be pride, haughtiness, duplicity, dishonesty, hatred, envy or jealousy.
This time we are going to hold the thought: "I am unselfish in action,
being and motive," and each time we go into the Silence, this unselfish
spirit shall be the guiding-star of our thoughts. It will be the
personal touch with the Infinite Spirit itself.
The beginning of life's happiness, as well as the end thereof, is the
spirit of unselfishness.
"I am unselfish in action, being and motive."
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