The life we live is being read. We are not going through the world

unnoticed. Some one is looking on, and some one is to some extent

fashioning his life after ours. Our life each day is being written down in

some one's memory. My own dear children group around me at times and talk

of their mother, who has gone to heaven. Her pure and holy life written in

their memory is read over and over to each other and to me. She still
/> lives as an epistle in their hearts. They read her daily life while she

was with them, and they continue to read it since she is gone. Christians

are said to be the epistle of Christ (2 Cor. 3:3). To read their life is

to read the life of Jesus. All the Bible that many will ever read is what

they read in the lives of Christians.

Life will be read just as it is, not as it may pretend to be. It is not

what we pretend to be, but what we really are, that will go down in the

memory of others. Those who read our lives have a way of reading between

the lines. We should strive not so much to make life holy as to be holy.

If you are holy, then live just what you are. We should never strive to be

what we are not. The only way whereby the Bible may be read in the life is

to get it in the heart. People will never read the Word of God in your

life simply because you have a neat little Testament in your pocket or a

large family Bible on your center table. The Bible can get into the life

only by beginning at the heart. There is power in the Word of God, but it

works from within. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." It will

transform the life so that the life will read just like the Holy


The Word of God is a lamp to light us into a holy life. If we follow its

instructions in righteousness, it will make us perfect. It reveals our

imperfections and thus gives us an opportunity to make improvements. To

discover an imperfection in the life is not a bad thing, and we need not

think we are any the worse for the discovery. It is only when we let the

imperfection remain after it is revealed to us, that we become worse.

The heart that comes under the influence of the Bible will bear the image

of Jesus, but of this I shall have more to say elsewhere. So I conclude

here by saying, live upon the Word of God, desire the sincere milk of the

Word, and you will be an epistle of Christ. We should feel the

responsibility that is upon us, remembering that all the Bible some will

ever read is what they read in your life and mine. Oh! let us see that it

reads in our life as it does in the book, lest those who follow us will

not walk in the footprints of Jesus.

