Man can not naturally live the Christ-life. But Christ has promised to

come into our hearts and live in us. In order that we may have Christ

dwell in our hearts and that we may live his life, there must be a giving

up of our self-life. There must be annihilation of self that Christ may

live. It is truly wonderful and as glorious as it is wonderful that man

can live the life of Christ in this world. But here is the secret: it is
man ceasing to live the self-life and Christ living in him.

Imagine a hollow brass figure in the exact image of a man. Suppose you

fill this hollow figure with a kind of life which we shall call self-life.

This life goes to using the hands and feet, and eyes, ears, tongue, in

short, all the members of this brass figure, but using them in the

interest of itself. Now you desire to make a change; you want that image

to speak, act, and think only for you. You must first put to death the

life that is using the figure, cleanse it entirely out, and then get into

it yourself. Once in, you can use all the members of that image for

yourself. Your body is that image. There was a life in you that used all

the members of your body in the interest of self. But there has been a

change. You were made a new creature. The life you once had was put to

death--was crucified; then Christ stepped into your heart, and now he

uses all the members of your body for himself. You still live, yet not

you, but Christ lives in you. Once you did things for yourself; now you do

them for Christ. Just as you once lived purposely and intentionally for

yourself, now you do things purposely and intentionally for Jesus, because

it is he that lives, and not you yourself. You remember how once you would

plan for yourself. In the evening as you lay upon your bed and again in

the morning and throughout the day you would think about what you were

going to eat or drink, what you were going to have for clothing, where you

were going to live, where you were going to go, and what you were going to

do. But now you are changed; you are a new creature. Now it is not you

that lives, but Christ lives in you. Now you eat not for yourself but for

Jesus. You now go, not where self would lead you, but where that life in

you loves to go and would have you go. You do things, not for yourself,

but for Jesus.

O Christ, I die, that thou mayst live,

That thou mayst live in me;

That all I think or speak or do,

May be, O Lord, for thee.

May not the least of self remain,

But all be put to death.

Oh, may I nothing do for self,

Nor draw one selfish breath!

To have my Savior live in me,

To occupy the whole,

To make my heart his royal throne

And take complete control--

'Tis all I ask; 'tis all I wish;

'Tis all my heart's desire,

Content if but a wayside bush

To hold God's holy fire.

Low at thy feet, O Christ, I fall

A yielded lump of clay,

For thee to mold me as thou wilt,

To have thy own sweet way.

